Purchase With Purpose: Part I

One time Dustin and I were standing in line at a fine clothing establishment. I was holding a shirt and a necklace. I was excited about these purchases and could already hear some of the compliments I would be receiving. As we inched closer to the register, Dustin leans over and says, “So, how many slaves do you think it took to make that shirt?”


We’ve made an effort to try and change the way we purchase. It’s so much easier said than done. I have spent hours googling, “stores that don’t use slaves” or “does (insert clothing store name) pay their workers a fair wage” and come up with not a whole lot. Maybe I need to change my google search but whatever. The point is, it’s super easy to say, “I’m going to buy fair trade” or “We don’t support human trafficking.” However, it is much more difficult to actually do it. So, in an effort to share the goodness, here are just a few of the things we are loving right now that also do good in the world. Eat your heart out.

Humphreys Street Coffee

I started drinking creamer with a touch of coffee in it when I got married. Dustin has always been a straight black coffee drinker. So, obviously he mocked my coffee/creamer ratio of choice. A few years ago we were traveling and Dustin dared me to start drinking my coffee black. So, I did. After I choked down my first black cup of coffee I’ve never added anything to it again. Now that I can’t hide the taste of crappy coffee with sugar and creamer, I’m picky about what coffee I’ll drink. Humphreys Street Coffee is where it’s at, y’all. It’s so good. I love everything about HSC. The coffee is fairly traded from around the world and they roast it right here in Nashville. The best part, though? HSC is a mentoring program for teens serving as an alternative to juvenile criminal activity in their neighborhood AND through coffee sales they have a scholarship fund that helps sends kids who have been in their program to college. I am in love with it. I’m sipping on some Humphreys Street Coffee right now. That’s how much I love it.

Bridgewater Candles

These candles, y’all. So awesome. Not only do they smell heavenly but they also feed kids in developing countries for a day. What!? Feeding kids by buying a candle that smells divine? Sure, I’ll take 7 please.



t-615 was co-founded by my friend, Lauren. t-615 is a brand that is all about giving a voice to those who don’t have one and telling the stories of those who can’t. Modern day slavery still exists and t-615 is their response to that. They challenge you to “become a number to give someone else a name.” Dustin and I are #0078. There are several things I love about t-615: they have some of the softest tees this side of heaven, every tee tells a story, their tees are screen printed right here in Nashville, and they give 25% of their profits to organizations who are rescuing victims of human trafficking. So. Awesome.

Noonday Collection

I don’t even remember how I found Noonday Collection but I am so glad I did. Based out of Austin (TX forever, y’all), Noonday is a business that is devoted to alleviating poverty through fashion. They work with artisans all over the globe- Uganda, India, Ethiopia… just to name a few. They give these good people jobs, fair wages and hope for their families. I love everything that they make and one day when I’m rich will buy everything that they make. I also follow them on social media and they make me believe that I too can look trendy and cute wearing 87 pieces of jewelry at one time. The verdict is still out on that one, though.

Check these good people out, buy something awesome, and help change the world by purchasing with a purpose.


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